Multicenter quality control circle activities to reduce rate of dispensing errors in outpatient pharmacy
目的:探讨多中心品管圈活动在降低门诊西药房调配差错率中的效果,以保障患者安全用药。 方法:多中心圈采用双盲法从时间、岗位人员、窗口、配药区全方位进行分层查检,找出导致调配差错(内差)要因,再根据查检原始数据溯源,得出导致调配差错的真因,针对真因拟定有效对策并实施。结果:多中心圈总调配差错率由改善前8.43‰降至改善后4.04‰,达成率为102.57%,进步率为52.07%;多中心圈无形成果在质量改善手法和沟通与协调能力都有显著提升。结论:多中心品管圈活动是一个创新方法,有利于快速大范围平行推广,标准化成果可供其他三甲医院共享和借鉴,进一步拓展品管圈成果的应用范围,保证药学服务的质量和患者的用药安全。
OBJECTIVE To explore effects of multicenter quality control circle (QCC) activities in reducing rate of dispensing errors in outpatient pharmacy, and ensure safety of drug use. METHODS Essential factors of dispensing errors were found by double blind method in a full range of time, post personnel, dispensing windows and areas in multicenter QCC activities, and then true factors were found by tracing source data from check lists.According to true factors, effective strategies were developed and implemented. RESULTS Total rate of dispensing errors of multicenter QCC was decreased from 8.43 to 4.04.Target compliance rate was 102.57%, and improvement rate was 52.07%.Intangible outcomes greatly improved included quality improvement methods and communication as well as coordination ability. CONCLUSION Multicenter QCC is an innovative method and is good for rapid parallel promotion.Standardization achievements can provide a reference for other hospitals, which can further expand application range of QCC results to guarantee quality of pharmaceutical care and medication safety.
门诊西药房 / 调配差错率 / 多中心品管圈 {{custom_keyword}} /
outpatient pharmacy / rate of dispensing errors / multicenter quality control circle {{custom_keyword}} /
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